Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Elephant Ears and Lemons

Its lemon season here. YAY! I havent really cooked anything with them yet. I suppose my mainstay of lemons goes to salad dressing. I eat a lot of salads thus vinaigrettes. The good news is I will never suffer from scurvy.  Also my elephant ear plant is on its way out and it hasnt sent up any new shoots. This makes me worry because I really love this plant. I have had it for a couple of years and Im just gonna say its gonna come back.

So I havent started decorating for christmas yet. Have you? I really want to throw a small party but it seems that all swims in a theory that may never come true.

Is it just me? Or do children constantly bicker? I think I may be going insane. Im constantly correcting behavior. Really Im too old for this shit but its too late right? Ugh.

So its plants plants plants. The etsy lull has ended my two week hiatus. The lull never lasts long.

Im hoping to get some stuff up in my art shop and have been working on paintings and collages.

So yeah happy December. I hope yours goes well.


  1. for us it's limes limes and more limes..limeaid, keylime pie, mojitos....
    buckets and buckets of limes.
    good to see your blog again. sorry i have missed so much!

    1. lucky!!!! i need to come over and get some if you have any left!!!!!!

  2. lemon season is the best. have you started decorating for christmas?

    1. it is! im going to make preserved lemons! i found a great quick recipe in sunset magazine. I did! I need to publish pictures! hope yours was merrry!!!
