Thursday, July 29, 2010


Once upon a time ago...i used to do a massive amount of cooking at the beginning of the week...

This made my life during the week much easier...then recently as my life has been a chaotic mess... i realized was not doing this this week i committed to doing this style of cooking once more...i made a lot of things not pictured here...these were just the most delicious things i made that i had to eat once they were completed...

Add Image Now you know i had to eat the end of the tri tip roast on some bread soaked in juices...i had to...

I also had some questionable veggies in the fridge...brussel sprouts and carrots with onion and garlic chunks...pan roasted...turns out they were not so questionable...

Green bean salad...blanched green beans boiled potatoes red onion garbanzo beans all tossed in olive oil lemon juice a little rice wine vinegar and salt...i need to make sure there is always something hearty for the husband as he does not eat as he puts it what have you been cooking?


  1. Oooooh... That's what I'm trying to do. I'm going to go from poor person to really poor person soon, so I want to cook as much as home as possible. In terms of what I've been cooking, well, you just saw my blog! We'll have to swap prepare-ahead recipes when we meet up. :)

  2. huum i'm hungry now! everything looks delicious!
