Maybe this should be called the Jealous Wife...My husband finally opened his shop. He received his approval to sell nursery stock last week. Hurray! Well... my darling was in a treasury in less than 12 hours. He made 2 sales in less than 3 days. He made a HUGE order outside of etsy and already has a custom order going out this weekend. We sell two totally different things but it is a little bit of an ego buster until you think...yeah I'm gonna benefit hurray for me! REALLY I'm super proud of him...he loves his succulents and gardening in general. So you should check out his shop...TheSucculentGarden.
hello 2024
1 year ago
Those look great! I love succulents. Sadly I don't think they'd survive in my apartment. I have a windowbox that gets maybe an hour a day of direct sunlight. I've killed several plants in it, still looking for something that will survive...