Friday, June 18, 2010


of stress that is...i started an eight week stress management class due to panic attacks and ta da...i have high blood pressure...

I have been exercising and even though my posts may seem to contradict it...i have been watching what i have been eating and more importantly how much...

so this week i had to do something pleasurable for at least thirty i decided to look through an old sketch book my best friend bought me from the Picasso museo in spain...

I love to watercolor...lately i mostly draw with watercolor pencils and do that...but at one time i used to make large paintings...

this is a bad elephant i painted...but i still love it...

many years ago i started a story about a fish and the moon...of course its not complete...but i have several paintings/sketches of fish blowing magical glowing bubbles at the moon...

I had a good time revisiting my little watercolors....

I hope you enjoyed them too!


  1. These are gorgeous!!! My friend made a really cute children's book when proposing to my other friend... I can ask him if information about the company he went through, if you're interested in small publishing (I think he just got one book published).

  2. thanks!!!sometimes i feel self conscious... i so did not spell that right... about my paintings...but what the hell...sure id love the name of the company just in case i ever finish that story...did you get my message? i sent you one on flickr...
