Wednesday, August 17, 2011


just a little peak at a new watercolor painting i am working on. im trying to practice some wet in wet which absolutely scares the crap out of me


  1. That must be a hard technique to control--I'd probably get most of it on my shirt. Looking forward to seeing your results!

  2. ooh~ love peeking at other ppl's art work :D
    It looks lovely already!

  3. I need to buy watercolors for my fashion illustration class this fall... Any recs of paints and watercolor pencils?

    Also... I have to go to the optometrist at Kaiser Fontana this Friday, mind if I swing by?

  4. oh please come by on friday i would love love love to see you.let me know what time and i will plan lunch. i use windsor newton and holbein have really nice colors. i use derwent watercolour pencils.

    thanks pascale!!!

    yes sharon it is hard to control and i havent really painted like that in quite sometime.

  5. My appointment is at two... So I probably won't be able to get to your place until after three. Also, I may not be coherent. There hasn't been a lot of sleep these last two weeks.

  6. okay i cant wait to have incoherent conversation with you!

  7. wet-on-wet technique can indeed be intimidating! looks like you're controling the paint however! nicely done*

  8. Love your photos..........especially the full moon one. I love taking pics of the moon!

  9. hey mama! looks good but gotta remember to let loose a bit on the watercolors...
    accident and loss of control can make for a beautiful mess of color

  10. thanks lili!
    thanks pag i love taking pictures of the moon
    yes kim that is very true or they can end up a muddy mess....thats what i am afraid of but trying to get over it.
